Friday, April 24, 2009

What's your I-Pod on?

As I sit in my office begining this adventure of blogging, it is kind of funny that the theme song from Star Wars should come onto my I-pod as it shuffles from song to song. It makes me think about the idea that many times in life we bounce from thing to thing in our lives on our own shuffle pattern without really trying to take the time to organize things into a playlist that makes sense.

As summer is approaching and we are given a chance to take time to step back and look at things, I would challenge you to take time to think about what you want to be as your favorites in your life. What is it that are the things you want to make a priority this summer? Is it friends, family, sports, vacations?

Summer is a time of rest and relaxation so why not take some time out of the calendar this summer to work on your relationship wiht God?

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