Monday, October 19, 2009

Giving a Life to Save a Life

Back on August 24th, I received the best early brithday present anyone could wish for; my father recieved a liver transplant. After the initial shock of the miracle of modern medicine wore off, I've had a chance to really think about the whole situation. On the night that my family and I were celebrating my dad being given a new chance at life, there was a family grieving the loss of their loved one. It might be easy to dismiss the thought and get lost in our celebration, but as time has gone on, I have spent a lot of time thinking about that person and the decision they made to give at least one other person a chance at life again.

The whole situation has given me a new view not only on life itself, but also on the act that Christ did 2000 years ago in giving't himself for us. Just like I never physcially met the person who gave their life so my dad could live his, I have never had the real person who was Jesus of Nazareth who lived 2000 years ago physcially in front of me. I will never get to physcially say thank you to either, nor will I ever really know what they looked like. What I do know though is the love and the thought that both of these people showed in how they lived and more importantly how they died. I now understand what it means when the idea of giving your life for a friends is spoken of in John 15:13.

My question for you this blog is could you do it? Could you lay down your life for your friends? How about someone you didn't know? How about your enemies? This is exactly the love that Christ showed all of us 2000 years ago. So before the next time you wonder if the love of Christ is still around us, know that God's love is here in transplants, in warm smiles, in embraces from friends in time of sadness and in much,much more.

May God smile upon you and your family.


Aaron Frazita