Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Who will you be this year?

As summer is coming to a close, I've been working on getting all of the summer pictures up on the website and cleaning up the remnants of youth Getting Off the Couch all summer and going on various trips and seminars. Its sad to see the summer go and our friends who graduated leave us and go to their different schools, but it is an essential and necessary part of life. The new school year gives us all a chance to start over again in many different ways: new teachers, new classmates, new teams, new social groups and even new schools for some.

My question for you as all of this opportunity approaches is who do you want to be this year? Is there a group you've always wanted to be a part of that you never have for some reason or a sport that you always wanted to try but never have? Maybe you've always wanted to try an instrument or pick up paiting or drawing but have always been afraid? Whatever it is for you, challenge yourself to really think about and be intentional about the person that you are becoming and that you want to become as the year goes on.

Know that we are all praying for you and that whoever you are becoming, you are still and always have been a child of God.

May God continue to smile upon you all,
